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The path to surrender

It’s not like the path to surrender is written, that it’s easy, and that it’s just an obvious path to take for anyone. Yet how can we surrender if we hold on to our story, our lies, our trauma, and everything that we can’t handle in any way without forcing ourselves somehow.

The path to surrender is not just a one way street, it’s a dual carriage way, it’s a motorway of information, fleeting and flowing in all the dimensions of our being. It’s a flow of energy, some blocks, some cristallisations, and some overflow, all overlapping together to form our inner world.

Our inner world is just a reflection of our own consensus to an identity we have been shaping since we were born. How did we shape it ? how did we develop it ? through events, situations, inner battles, and a whole collective dogma pouring their energies into us without us even noticing it.

A wild example in relationships is how we can bring ourselves to love, love purely, love deeply, and connect with the other. How can we connect with the other, if we can’t connect with ourselves first ? How can we even expect this from ourselves, if we don’t know how to do it ?

Some may say, but we have not been taught, by society, by our parents, by our teachers? So… Did you learn sex through society, parents, teachers ? Did you learn to walk by your parents, society, teachers ? No, you were surrounded by people who did, and you did… yourself, either mimicking, either reproducing, or doing it your own special way… one step at a time.

So how do we surrender ?

Surrendering is a process, it’s a flow of information as mentioned. It’s not about success or failure, as this would be pure control in an ego form. It’s about allowing it to take place. The less I resist, the more I allow. I’ll repeat this one. The less I resist, the more I allow.

So how can I allow ? well, first off, I can start by taking time to feel in my body, feel the story it’s telling me, feel the resistance, feel the emotion, maybe fear, anxiety, sadness, frustration, hate, or any tension within me. Then, from there, I can start observing it, not considering it as being good or bad, just sitting with it, sitting with this whole new spectrum of something I’ve never explored before, or not allowed me to go into, because I felt it was either negative, or unknown.

Yes, sit with it, feel it, let it be, let it exist, as everything, this is not you, this is something you are experiencing, it doesn’t define you, it doesn’t make you who you are, as joy, passion, all these neither, as you are in constant change.


The path to surrendering is exploring, just one step further, learning self-love and self-acceptance, looking and feeling yourself, as you are, and from this place of love.

from this place of “this is me, today, exactly as I am, and I can accept that I am me, all of me, as perfectly imperfect as this may seem, I love being me”, you can then decide to work on exploring being you, another way… the same way you explored being you crawling on the floor as a baby, deciding to explore being you on 2 legs. Or exploring being you learning a new skillset.

The more you can observe yourself, in a loving way, from a loving perspective, the more you can allow yourself to play with your own character, and become another cristal on the Disco Ball that you are, reflecting something to the world, and to yourself.

Healing is within you

The surrender process, or the path to surrender is part of your healing journey. It’s a wild ride, let’s face it, and this is the whole fun of it, even if it might not seem fun all the time. Consider yourself gifted, gifted by gods who don’t know what feeling is, what it’s all about in the body.

Now if this is love, love is the answer, love is the key, and in the journey to love, comes the healing. It’s not about making it perfect, it’s not the idea of being first of the class, there is no first, there is no second, nor is their a last.

It’s about now, taking action, making a bold move, apologising, making that call, and acting on your patterns, for the sake of loving yourself more than the pain of the past, or the pain of regret.

So many people are disconnected from their own body, mind, soul, that they can’t reconnect deeply. It’s becoming a race to ego, to the non-authentic self, and that prevents them from going deeper inside themselves.

Own it, own your shit, own your shadows, own your darkness, the more you can own it, the more you can surrender, and love it. Does it mean that you need to stay there ? No, for sure, but you can move from a loving perspective, you can create change inside you, from another perspective, and you can own your actions in the deepest, most meaningful and loving way.

Forgiveness is Key

Don’t ever doubt that the path to surrender comes from forgiveness. Yet the first person to do so, should be yourself. Be on the top of the list. Forgive yourself, in a deep, loving way.

Does that mean that you can continue acting in a Fucked up way ? Well, that’s for you to decide, however, maybe, looking at things from a more loving perspective, and doing the inner work, dealing with those emotions, feelings, sensations, and overcoming all those fears of deep, meaningful love, may be a more loving path to unite with yourself.

Forgiveness is not an act of weakness, it’s the most powerful act you can have. It’s about you, the others, releasing what doesn’t belong to you. Releasing your past, thanking it for what it has taught you, shown you, and letting it take place in the past. It’s like the wind blows, it comes, it goes, thank you, thank you for the lesson, thank you for the love, the passion, the exploration, Thank you for the pain, the hurt, the laughs and the cries, Thank you… Thank you… Thank you…

Act Now, Act with Love

Now, maybe it’s time for you to do what you’ve got to do, act on what you’ve wanted to act upon, make that bold move, dare speak up your truth, for the sake of love. Love of yourself, love of your being, love of what you want, desire, deserve, and don’t hide behind the hyper-masculine woman, or the toxic masculine man, stubborn, independent, not needing anyone, as this is not love… this is pain, this is an ego trip, and it’s going deeper into your hiding cave.

You’ll be amazed, take that first step. It can be a tiny step, just do it… don’t think it, don’t overthink it, just feel your heart… your heart is not wrong, it’s connected to consciousness, and to your whole being, and each cell of your body will resonate, in good timing, with your deepest desires.

If you want to go a bit further with all this, You can join my ACTIVATE YOUR LIGHT program and work closely with me to create a shift in your inner and outer world.

Maybe you’re not quite ready for a multi-session program and want to start with group sessions. So if that’s the case, join my newsletter, and keep up to date with my Agenda for the Group HypnoRelax or Kundalini Activation sessions taking place online, in the comfort of your own home.




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