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Activate your light

There is no permanent pain point

Revealing our own light, in the midst of our phases of doubt, is an act of faith.

the world needs light

the world needs you and your spark

My individual & personalized Activate your light® programs are based on your well-being and inner resources.

I could talk for hours about the wound, the trauma, what brings you here today. It could be chronic or incurable illness, bereavement, separation from a loved one, loss of a job, loss of bearings, fear of public or financial speaking, intimate or sexual problems, and much more.

Admittedly, this could be a top-down approach, taking the problem, treating it and moving on to well-being. This is the scientific, therapeutic method, based on the premise that A must be solved in order to arrive at B.

The revolution begins with a future that you haven’t yet identified.

It all began with a thought, a belief, and then there was identification with those beliefs, forging an identity, which cyclically put in place what brings you here today.

What if I told you that you can find all the light within you, and also observe the shadow in order to transmute it, to bring it back into the light?

What comes to light is liberated, consciousness changes, and you will experience profound transformations, subtle and more explicit, during and after the program.

What is Activate your Light®?

Activz votre Lumière® is a program of 8 INDIVIDUAL and group sessions over 2.5 months of accompaniment, therapeutic follow-up, coaching and energetic and emotional liberation.

We meet for individual and group online sessions. With key exercises, tools you can use for the rest of your life and a Telegram group to reinforce the progress you’ve made together if you’d like to join.

You’ll also learn how to use trance (self-hypnosis) to develop a better understanding of yourself and those around you.

Weekly support, with the possibility of following up with me (included, with no obligation on your part to use it) with your questions, feelings and reflections, by email, once a week.

You’re probably wondering how much an individual program like this could cost, and since I hate sales calls, commercial games of “what’s your budget” and other souk, I’m sincerely moving forward with you.

I decided that I wanted to actively contribute to the change, to your change, to this transition you’re making, this first step invested in you.

The “Activate your light” program, all-inclusive, individual and group sessions, is priced at €995. Payment can be made in 3 instalments.

A maximum of 8 participants

Upcoming program start dates

November 15
January 15
March 15

All those who have worked with me also have the opportunity to register and participate in my exclusive retreats in a magnificent setting. These retreats take place in Switzerland, France, the Balearic Islands, Fuerteventura and Morocco.

Activate Your Light


2.5-month program

8 sessions of 1 to 3 hours

Online sessions

Tools in you for life



Sharing and group circles

Quantum Healing

Kundalini activations



Self-regulation techniques

Self-hypnosis course

Breathing techniques

Your Soul Chart

A luminous transformation


A path back to a luminous vision of life and of what surrounds us, no matter how complex.

Holistic approach

Return to the discovery of your senses, your perceptions, and the freedom to be you, embracing all your facets.

Your power

Exploring the space between you and you allows a deeper connection between you and the new adventures and opportunities in your life.

Body and health

Your body and your health are interconnected. Connecting with your subconscious helps you achieve balance

I’m joining the program

It’s never been easier!




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