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Open your pillar of light & reconnect with wellbeing

Kundalini Healing

Kundalini Energy is our life source Energy. It flows through all beings and elements of our planet and within the universe.

By Opening up your pillar of light through Kundalini Energy Activation, you allow your Auric field to expand, releasing blocked & crystallised energy to flow in a harmonious way.

Kundalini activation & Healing can be received in individual & group sessions.

Starting with a short meditation, I will connect to the source of kundalini, and to my own auric field. Music will guide you into a harmonious state, and through my own auric field energy, and by frequency resonance your auric field will connect to mine, and start feeling the inner or outer release.

This might come out for you, in a unique way, as a relaxing, mental, emotional, internal, or physical release.

By Reharmonising your energy fields, you allow yourself to receive, vibrate and cleanse your own auric field.

  • Kundalini Activation sessions – 2 hours
  • Kundalini Activation Healing Individual – 2 hours

Shift your programs with hypnosis or EFT


Imagine that you’re a super-computer, all your data is stored in your own hard drive. You’ve stored every single thing you’ve lived, done, been through since your creation.

Now, that data is linked to programs. Some are still working for you, and others are not. They don’t work so well with the new version of who you are and need either updating or changing.

Some of these programs act on everything you are experiencing. From your emotions, limiting beliefs, relationships, confidence, repeated patterns, fears and phobias, and even on your physical body under multiple forms, up to terminal illness.

And that’s what we’ll be doing together. It’s what i call “cleaning house”. Bringing closure, reprogramming, opening up to new opportunities and exploring the beauty of your upgraded self.

  • A standard Initial session requires 2 to 3 hours
  • Subsequent sessions require 1 to 2 hours

harmonize and align with your soul path your energy fields

Universal Rays

We are composed of 12 energy bodies, connected to Earth and to the unified field of consciousness.

Each of these fields is connected to Chakras, and to our meridians.

Our soul chart gives us an insight on our Rays, connected to our Soul, Monad, Ego & Personality, Mental, Emotional, Physical and Ancestors.

the Soul Rays are connected to prana energy, and to the consciousness of the Universal Rays channeled by the ascended masters. They are fully interconnected with our entire energy system, through chakras, meridians and energy bodies.

Reharmonising your energy fields not only realigns you on a multi-dimensional level, it also impacts the whole collective unified field of consciousness.

  • A standard Initial session require 3 hours
  • Subsequent sessions require approximately 2 hours

Become autonomous with your subconscious mind

Learn Self-Hypnosis

Ever felt like you could create a new world for yourself by reprogramming your subconscious mind ?

Your thoughts, your intention, and the power of your subconscious mind allow for a global shift in your life.

Learning the skill of self-hypnosis is one of the most essential and powerful ones to master. Your body, your energy fields, your surroundings through your frequency all react to your subconscious mind.

By learning self-hypnosis, you are stepping into a new world of knowledge, and experience of life.

Combining self-hypnosis on a regular basis, energy healing and some work with a certified practitioner to explore shadow aspects can literally change your life, and even save your life.

The self-hypnosis class brings all the aspects and knowledge needed to be autonomous in your practice.

  • 1 Full day of Training (2 x 4 hours)
  • 1 supporting PDF manual
  • Powerful Affirmations & Techniques
  • A soft blend of Theory & Practice
  • 2 Group Hypnosis sessions
  • Max 20 people per class
  • Dispatched into Small groups for practice

Ready for this life changing experience & learning a new amazing skillset used by most of the Business leaders, Athletes & high performance entrepreneurs worldwide ?

Join our amazing class & create your own life changing experience of life.


Français | English | Español

All Sessions can be driven in the above mentioned languages. Energy healing can also be provided for my german audience.




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