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Philanthropy Healing Project

What is suspended care?

Suspended care takes it’s origin from a similar concept born in Italy. The suspended Coffee.

A financially stable person, or business would purchase a given amount of coffees from the coffeeShop, with objective for them to be given to those who can’t afford them. The coffee would then be “suspended”. Then, when someone with no financial means would like a coffee, they can go there and ask for one for free.

My suspended healing project is named “the Hypnobus”. Travelling and providing on-site and distant energy healing & hypnotherapy sessions to those in need, and funded by those who are wealthy.

Who can fund this project?

Technically anyone could fund this project. As people could receive treatment worldwide, any individual or company, an investor, local & international companies, funds, or high-paid executives can support this beautiful a non-profit project.

How much are we Talking about?

The aim is to raise between 75,000 and 100,000 Euros per year. Covering group sessions and one-to-one therapy for 365 days, with all of the costs and investments required for such a project.

This covers the following:

  • Purchase of van & replacement every 5 years
  • Installation of solar panels & internet system
  • Insurances, van services, repairs, upgrades
  • Fuel & nomadic costs
  • Computer & sound, imagery Infrastructure
  • Salary, Taxes
  • Administrative costs

What’s in for those in need?

Full access to all my hypnotherapy and energy healing services for 365 days. Group sessions and one-to-one energy healing and therapy sessions. Group sessions alone could reach between 8’000 and 16’000 people worldwide.

What’s in for Investors
  • Your company name, or your personal name on the van for 1 year
  • Listed on my website as an Investor in the future of healing
  • The Empowering feeling you are helping change the world
  • Making a difference
  • Who knows, maybe someone you know might need this, and you’ll be glad it exists

You reap what you sow (or what you love yourself), and this project is unique in that you are paying it forward, doing good, for a good cause, so you’re getting a little for yourself, but within reason.

Abundance is letting go of the lack mentality. Allowing change, knowing that doing something good for people you don’t know, who can’t do anything for you, brings good back into the loop in unexpected ways.

Here-below the whole project, downloadable and viewable online. Should you be a Business Angel, a company, an individual or anyone who would like to invest in this project (or gift a van) I’m looking forward to hearing from you. All my info is on my contact page.

HereBelow French & English Project description in PDF format.




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