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The understanding of belief

Happy in life is the village idiot. Some may argue that this is a bold statement, however within the understanding of belief, this comes in as a counter-measure.

Whatever we are going through in life, exploring, obstacles, ease, lessons, certitudes and beliefs, all have a purpose of a greater exploration.

The main question that comes to mind is related to the need of understanding. Mankind in all it’s form has globally been seeking truth, seeking meaning for thousands of years. This understanding holds important knowledge, leading to new explorations.

I mean, we have passed from trying to make fire, to sending rockets to mars, and each step has started with either a discovery, a synchronicity, or a thought, leading to exploring, through trial and error.

Need of beliefs

Do we need beliefs ? I would consider that beliefs hold an important part in our self-exploration and owning our life path. The critical factor of belief holds in accepting that yours doesn’t make it true, nor does it make it false.

Yes, belief, is like energy… it holds a potential, and through this potential, a polarity will drive it in a certain direction.

An unpopular saying would be: Why would we need Devil, when we see the horrors, killings and slaughters done in the name of a God. See, a belief can have some positive, yet it can also hold negative. The same way a knife can save a life in the hands of a surgeon, and kill in the hands of a murderer.

Learn to shift your beliefs

Through the exploration of self, and of knowledge, one shall release more and more certainties. It is not like knowledge brings more clarity, it actually brings less. What it also offers as a by-product is resilience, and trust in the discovery, in the trial and error, and trust in the game played on a global scale to match new levels of consciousness.

Questioning beliefs, on any scale, and be the devils advocate of our own thoughts, behaviours and patterns, allows for more understanding, and for more flow in life.

Is it beneficial?

The main question to ask ourselves whilst entering the space of belief is the benefits of this belief. Now a belief can be related to a trauma, a life situation, a job, communication patterns, scientific beliefs or any other belief we may hold on to for our dear life.

If the belief is useful and beneficial, makes sense to us and allows us for growth in our life, let’s develop and explore it. If the belief brings doubt, fear, lack of understanding, poor communication, pain, and other negative outcomes, why keep it ?

So a large part of the healing and therapeutical process is about releasing old beliefs in order to allow new ones to come in. Deconstructing what we desire, to bring more awareness into our life.

Subconscious beliefs

We also hold many subconscious beliefs. These beliefs have an impact on the collective. How many stories do we consider true because someone has told us something, and it then becomes true for us ?

Science is always behind consciousness, our bodies have had anatomy before we have studied it and validated it by science. Space was there long before the discovery of planets. The dots in the sky being planets or galaxies, and not just dots, took a lot of science to discover, however, they were there before humans.

So in our deconstruction, lies the one of the collective. We can’t force people to act into shifting beliefs, however, our own exploration allows for collective shifts and growth.

By reconsidering what we were taught, from other angles, what we feel, from other angles, how we interact with others from another angle, and get closer to being curious about everything, makes us discover so much more about ourselves that we can imagine.

The healing of beliefs

By releasing certainty, we allow ourselves to heal, to change paths, to go into the depths of a temporary discomfort, leading us to find more comfort in the unknown, in the next hours, days, months, and in the change occuring within us, and around us.

By allowing ourselves to become joyful about the process, have fun in the good and bad times, by accepting what comes to us, and observing it as if we were a theatre character brings outstanding grace and gratitude.

When you decide to take upon your path of healing, growth, and inner wisdom, for yourself, for your sake and your own life, you will bring yourself to a new level of passion and discovery.

I wish you to be curious, be foolish, be open to being totally misunderstood, disliked, as daunting as this may be, for your truth of today brings essence to the world.




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