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Phobias – Instructions for use

Did you know that phobias are actually the fear of being afraid? You may have read about it in the article posted on flying phobias, but here’s another little explanation that might interest you too.

Phobias are therefore the fear of all fears, and the most extraordinary thing about phobias is that very often, if we resolve one phobia, it removes a large part of the other phobias linked to it, and since phobias are the fear of all fears… you’ve understood the incredible effectiveness threshold of this phobic release.

You may be afraid of spiders (70% of the population don’t really like these little legged creatures), or of insects, bees, wasps, or agoraphobia, and many other possibilities too.

Discover the top 100 phobias in the world.

Now, what’s fascinating is that no matter how huge the phobia, it’s possible to solve the problem quickly with hypnosis. By working at the subconscious level, we can reach parts of the mind that we can’t manage with willpower. Hypnosis has seen results in 1 session on phobias that some patients had been trying to get rid of for 6 to 8 years, with 2 sessions a week of therapists or medication.

I’m not saying that you should stop everything – medications, doctors, other treatments – no, only a doctor can make you stop a treatment if he or she sees fit, and that’s crucial. It’s also important to involve him or her in the process. There are no secrets in this respect: you are at the heart of your healing, and informing your therapists is also one of the keys to your return to equilibrium.

Mechanism of phobias

Did you know that the mechanism of phobias and related panic attacks is often unconscious? It’s as if it’s all been dumped on you, all at once, without you knowing where or why!

You probably remember your first phobia-related panic attack, or not. However, what you probably don’t know is that this panic attack or phobia attack is linked to information buried deep inside you, and which is certainly nothing to do with you!

In English, the term used would be the “Compound Effect” which, according to google gives us Effet Composé, which I find totally incorrect, and which I would rather call Effet empirique.

How a panic attack works

On the graph above, understand the first white line as your conscious reaction to each situation from a starting point… It’s dead calm, nothing’s happening, everything’s fine.

Meanwhile, your unconscious mind, which was extremely afraid of something the first time (which may have nothing to do with your panic attack), will add fear to fear each time it is confronted with this element, in a way that doesn’t just add 3+3+3=9, but 3*3*3=27. So with each event, he adds a mega dose of fear, and at 27 it’s not much, but if we go a little further, say 10 events…

Let’s imagine that the initial factor is the neighbor’s cat, which occasionally comes and jumps over you to settle on the sofa when you’re a baby, and you’re really scared, crying, your parents reassure you… it passes.

So now, every time you go to see the cat or another cat, it’s going to be one more event… you come across the cat 10 times, the result is 1 Factor 10 (10!) or 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1=3’628’800. He feels fear after 10 exposures, 3 million times more than the first time!

At any given moment, the subconscious just can’t take it anymore, and that’s when it explodes and exposes you to a panic attack that’s borderline unmanageable, and more usually totally unmanageable.

So what do we do?

The solution is quite simple at first: using hypnosis techniques, the therapist guides you to find the first similar emotion linked to this panic attack, and to what you felt, then to go back to the conscious emotion of this phobia, so we can identify the triggering element, and work on managing the cause. Once the various events have been “regulated”, and as soon as you leave the session, your unconscious is reassured and leaves without fear, thus putting an end to the phobia.

Sometimes a second session may be necessary, not for the same phobia, but to work on related elements not identified in the first session, but this is by no means compulsory.

It is essential to note that no energetic treatment, hypnosis, E.F.T. or any complementary or alternative medicine can replace medical advice and follow-up, and that in the event of any doubt, medical advice is obligatory.

I don’t diagnose, because I’m not a doctor, and only doctors can diagnose and treat.

If you are taking medication, it is IMPERATIVE to consult your doctor before making any changes to your treatment, and it is essential not to make any changes without consulting your doctor.

What are the solutions?

In the office, or at home if need be, it’s possible to deal with your panic or anxiety attacks. There’s no question of suffering ad vitam eternam, and you have the right to feel alive, in full well-being, and free of your phobias.

In addition, E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique) can be used to create anchors to reduce further anxiety in everyday life, and these techniques can be taught to you after the hypnosis session.

If you would like a consultation, or further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on the telephone number at the top of this page, or via the contact form below.




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